Mike Williams Solutions

Dynamic Impact


Strategies That Work

Assessments Come First. 

We start with an in-depth assessment. We look hard at internal capacity (organization) and the best marketing opportunities. Those findings are used to recommend strategies and action to fit the vision.

Method Is Key.

Our method runs through all of our work, including Consulting, Coaching, Training, and Messaging. Our tried and true method is how we set the groundwork for dynamic impact, beyond improvement.  

Success Matters.

We are getting individuals, companies and organizations to their highest level, however they define it. We started with Consulting, helping individuals, companies and organizations grow and succeed.

We started the company with Messaging and Production, including various campaigns, political and community-based efforts. We pushed awareness to raise awareness, funds and income/impact.  

Keeping On Track.

We introduced Coaching, to help clients dig in and get fully organized. Plans were gathering dust. So, we zeroed in on habits and practices that could get clients back on track for success. 

Training To Transform.

Our Workshop Training is unique. It emerged as an interactive way to create shifts in attitudes, action and results. We focus on mindset to broaden perspective, with strategies to create breakthroughs.

And the workshops work. People see themselves, their work, and their colleagues differently.   

Great Working With Les.

Les Brown and I have worked together for decades, including broadcasting and community affairs. Then  our work in training Public Speakers showed value for freelancers and professionals in many fields. That work has inspired training programs of many kinds, here at Mike Williams Solutions. And the work with Les continues.   

Back Into Messaging.

We have returned to Messaging, seeing an unmet need that required our attention. So, we are back to the Messsaging role that fueled our earlier work, putting it into play in a variety of challenges.

We've been crafting messages for Community Awareness, to support Publishing and advocacy efforts, and to push our own current and future books. It's full circle for MWS. We're returning to Messaging. We're excited!!

Our Publishing Is Key.

Our work in publishing The Road to Your Best Stuff 2.0 reflects our role in Messaging, as applied to a vriety of situations, and with other author/publishers. We're committed to helping others get their "stuff" out there.      

We look at all angles, problems and opportunities, to help map each client's road to greater success. And we're always aimed at dynamic impact. We help clients connect and maximize those connections.

We get to know the blind spots, the hidden opportunities, the strengths, weaknesses, habits and priorities. This  lets us identify the best moves, for the best results. Knowledge is power. Self-knowledge is full power.

We're serious about the road ahead. Let's power up your future!


talking on the phoneConsulting

Training Session


Lady Being Coached


Business Consulting

About us 

The Road to Your Best Stuff 2.0

Mike's New Book

Take steps today to strengthen your future.
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