Mike Williams Solutions

Career Power 9000

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Career Power 9000

Career Choices * Career Chances
Career Breakthroughs

Hands-on Workshops for Aspiring Achievers

By Mike Williams
Mike Williams Solutions

The workshops help aspiring achievers, at any point in their careers, to choose, prepare and move forward to succeed in the fields that matter most. 

Dig in with workshops customized to meet career levels, including Youth, Mid-Career, and Late-Career Achievers.

Combine your Passion, Skills, and Habits for Success!!

Career Power 9000 uses books, talks and workshops with the methods outlined in the book, The Road to Your Best Stuff 2.0. It’s time to put your best stuff to work, to maximize its value and its impact on your future. 

“We are endowed with distinct, unique and powerful stuff. So, what are you going to do with your stuff?” 

Mike Williams, Author, The Road to Your Best Stuff 2.0

Ask about our Books, Talks and Workshops!   
Career Power 9000
Chase what matters! And go strong!

  • Every Career 9000 workshop lets you mazimize opportunities for your unique journey.
  • Each person's career choice and career prep are as unique as the road each must travel.
  • Each career has stages that must be built into the unique assets and needs each achiever faces. 
  • Athletes, teachers, musicians, coaches, electricians, hair stylists, and artists all succeed differently. 
  • The more we find out ahead, the easier it is to handle the surprises that can squash confidence.

Sometimes the road forward is a career change and an important transition process. The point is to be ready for the requirements unique to each situation, pushing the way forward.

Career 9000 helps address all these areas, no matter what career, business or cause lies ahead. Our method walks you forward. We introduce careful thinking and action to make the moves that matter successfully. 

Career Choices—choosing what fits for you.
Career Chances—digging in methodically and fully. Career Changes—being ready when a move is needed. Career Breakthroughs--Giving/Getting more, right where you are.

Career Power 9000 helps you chart the roadmap to match your talent, passion, skills, and ideas, and to maximize their full, ongoing impact. Career Power 9000 adapts to various age and career levels, as well as a staff development resource for the workplace.   

Career 9000 is designed to get the very best from each person’s best. We pose the questions that lead to success.

Put Career 9000 to Work for You and/or Your Team!

Find out more: info@mikewilliamssolutions.com