Mike Williams Solutions


Assessment. Strategy. Action. Results

Our approach to Consulting begins with getting to know the client. Then determining the lay of the land each client faces, the challenges and the opportunities. Then we customize the road forward.

Since 1981, we have been working with individuals, businesses, and organizations, to create breakthroughs and help them achieve at higher and higher levels. We are seeking to make a dynamic impact. So, the greater the Client's vision, the greater our opportunity to do something special, something dynamic.

Our process uses Assessments and Strategies to get things going.  Often the results require working with key people and general staff, to establish a collective mindset for moving dynamically forward. Often Coaching and/or Training are brought in, to strengthen capacity. 

So, if there is a new direction or major adjustments to the current operation, we design a program to maximize impact. This process provides the opportunity for a shared agenda and mutual buy-in.     


Puzzle Pieces

Program Design

Often, the solution to a problem or set of problems is in the program design to affect marketing or organizational impact. We design programs to solve problems and maximize opportunities.

For the past decade or so, our work in program design has taken on a more prominent role. Through program design, we have been able to put together systematic approaches to problem-solving. The programs are geared to attract resources and channel them in ways that open doors to new opportunities.

Program design has been an essential part of our work with Les Brown in recent times. This includes programs for speaker training and professional empowerment, as well as projects for innovators and business owners. We combine our program design role with our transformative workshop training to create specific, observable results.

Ensuring Success

Branding is a vital part of MWS consulting to set the framework for effective marketing. We do a great job of identifying and communicating the client's unique value proposition and maximizing market position, producing a dynamic impact. Whether the need is for direction, organization, innovation, or outreach, Mike Williams Solutions is ready to help individuals, companies, and organizations do what they do even better.

Retainers & Costs

Strategies are developed on a project-by-project or on-going basis. On-going consulting is provided on a monthly retainer, with a projected number of hours per month. Project consulting is provided on the estimated hours to complete the project, plus related costs. Coaching emphasizes effectiveness and accountability. It is typically provided in work sessions and is aimed at the needs of an individual, staff, or team.

To maximize strategies and plans, the four-star consulting and coaching program combines assessments, planning, and work sessions. The four-star program allows you to use a comprehensive approach or to work session by session to move your goals and vision into effect.